February Volunteer of the Month

We would like to introduce Carly as our volunteer of the month of February. Each month, our volunteer team votes on a volunteer that is the “Volunteer of the Month.”

Carly was nominated by multiple people for the passion and drive she brings to the rescue. Carly is one of our newer volunteers and while she is not a current horse owner, she has previously ridden dressage with her previous horse, Chief.

Carly had approximately two days of training before I was diagnosed with COVID and as the saying goes, she was “baptized by fire.” Carly stepped up and was at the farm every opportunity that she could be here to help ensure that the horses were cared for.

On Carly’s volunteer inquiry, her answer to why she wanted to volunteer was because she was really missing the connection with horses that she had after losing her horse in July and moving to the area in October.

Carly continues to be a huge asset to the rescue in her dedication to their care and also assisting in training of new volunteers as they come in. Please join us in not only welcoming Carly to the CVHR team but also in being nominated and chosen as our Volunteer of the Month of February!